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Dr. Assaf Lahav joins Gpixel Executive Management Team as VP of Pixel and Advanced Technology


Gpixel, a global player in specialty CMOS Image Sensor solutions, is thrilled to announced that Dr. Assaf Lahav joined its executive management team to become Gpixel’s Vice President of Pixel and Advanced Technology as of August 16, 2021. In his new role Dr. Lahav will lead Gpixel’s pixel and advanced wafer processing R&D in a cornerstone position to fuel Gpixel’s future product developments and technology advancements. Dr. Lahav brings more than 20 years of experience in pixel development and CIS technology working as a Fellow for Tower Semiconductor since 2001.

Dr. Xinyang Wang, Chairman, Founder and CEO of Gpixel group explains: “We are very excited to have Dr. Lahav joining our executive team. I have been working with Dr. Lahav since 2012 when Gpixel was started. Over the years, Dr. Lahav helped us make excellent global shutter pixels and undoubtedly through his previous role contributed already greatly to our success today. Going forward, it is a great pleasure and honor to have him as one of the Gpixel team members to further extend our pixel and technology portfolio by leveraging his world class technical leadership and expertise.”

Dr. Lahav adds: “It is a pleasure starting my new journey with such an amazing team. Over the years I watched  Gpixel grow from 3 engineers to more than 200 people working from 4 offices worldwide. Product after product,Gpixel changed the specialized CIS landscape drastically, ever pushing the limits of the current state of-the-art. I hope my future contribution will help the Gpixel engineering team to become even stronger than today and feel truly privileged to be given the opportunity to guide this company into the next chapters of its exciting journey.”

Dr. Assaf Lahav joined Tower Semiconductor in 2001 and became a Tower Semiconductor Fellow in 2018. From 2014, he led the Image sensor R&D activities in TPsco Japan, and was responsible among other projects for establishing the global shutter pixel platform on both 110nm and 65nm technology nodes and for the development of the 300mm stacked back side illumination platform. From 2008 to 2014, he had been working on low noise global shutter pixel technology and fast sensors on 180nm technology. This work has now manifested in products including Time of Flight (ToF) and structured light 3D, range cameras for automotive applications, industrial and traffic control inspection cameras. From 2005 to 2008 he developed different device and process schemes for improving pixel dynamic range, lowering dark current and read noise, and maximizing sensitivity, enabling the transition from CCD technology to CMOS in fields like cinema digital photography and broadcasting. Since 2002, he has been the technology leader in the Tower CIS R&D group and was responsible for the image sensor 0.18 um technology ramp in Tower Semiconductor’s 200 mm fab in Israel. He has authored or co-authored more than 40 technical papers in international journals and conferences and has 11 issued patents. Dr. Lahav received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering at the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology.

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